These 3 astrological signs will certainly not give you gifts on Valentine’s Day!

The countdown has begun… In a few days, it’s Valentine’s Day! On February 14, all couples will have the perfect excuse to celebrate their love and, as tradition dictates, give each other a gift. A day obviously synonymous with romance that many people look forward to when others dread this holiday more than any other day!

Because they are very introverted, not romantic or even non-conformist, three astrological signs are also famous for not appreciating this party at all, which they simply decide to boycott… Even when they are in a relationship!

The Virgin (August 23 – September 22)

Of all the signs of the zodiac, it is well known, the sign of Virgo is the most pragmatic. Thus, this native considers that there is no point in being romantic once a year, under the pretext that it is Valentine’s Day, when he is not really the blue flower type. Indeed, this Earth sign, reputed to be one of the most introverted of the zodiac, is absolutely not a fan of romantic outpourings which have the gift of making him extremely uncomfortable. So don’t count on him to write you a fiery poem on Valentine’s Day… This native will treat February 14 as a winter’s day like any other.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

This is the most rebellious sign of the zodiac! Non-conformist, this astrological sign considers Valentine’s Day as a purely commercial holiday and refuses to comply with the dictates of society which imposes to buy a gift for its half on February 14th. If you are in a relationship with this native, do not expect this astrological sign to shower you with gifts on February 14…

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Complex, shy, even introverted when he is not at ease, the sign of Capricorn is not the romantic type with his other half either. Thus, this native preferred to completely ignore February 14, especially if your relationship with this sign is still recent. So don’t expect a present from him if you haven’t told him beforehand that you want to celebrate lovers’ day…

See also: Your astro love week:


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