Éric Ciotti will face Valérie Pécresse in the second round



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Éric Ciotti and Valérie Pécresse qualified for the second round of the Les Républicains congress, Thursday, December 2. The deputy for Alpes-Maritimes leads the first round, with 25.6% of the vote.

It is a surprise poster for the second round of the nomination of the candidate Les Républicains in the presidential elections of 2022, which will begin on Friday, December 3: Éric Ciotti against Valérie Pécresse. Against all expectations, the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes came first with 25.6% of the vote, ahead of the president of the Ile-de-France region, who won 25% of the vote. Then come, in order, Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand then Philippe Juvin. When he arrived at the Republican HQ, Eric Ciotti did not shy away from his pleasure. He sees this score as the result of his loyalty to the party. “I have never left you”, did he declare.

Two firm lines on immigration

The arrival at the head of Eric Ciotti is also the victory of the most right-wing of the Republicans. The candidate notably marked with several shock formulas, during his meetings: “You touch a uniform, the same evening, you sleep in prison” Where “You are a foreigner, France welcomes you; you commit a crime in France, the answer is prison and the plane”. Valérie Pécresse, she believes she is best placed to bring together activists. “I am the only one who can beat Emmanuel Macron”, she assured. She too defends a firm line on immigration, and plays the card of the woman of action, who does not “not the trembling hand”, as she likes to repeat. The three unsuccessful candidates all called to vote for her.

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