5 tips to take care of your back every day

In most cases, back pain is caused by prolonged poor posture and resolves spontaneously within a few days. How to prevent back pain? And what to do when the pain persists? Answers.

Did you know ? 93% of French people say they have already had back pain (Source: Assurance Maladie)

practice sports
Sedentary life is one of the enemies of the back: indeed, remaining static for a certain time promotes pain.
In case of classic back pain, stay mobile. Because by practicing physical exercise, your back muscles and your abdominal strap will be more toned and able to support your spine.

This will make it easier for you to stand up straight and sit properly.

Please note: not all sports are beneficial. Avoid sports that are too violent, such as impact sports, such as running or boxing.

Consult an osteopath and bet on homeopathy
The osteopath is quite capable of relieving your pain and preventing future problems. Indeed, the therapist will be able to untie localized blockages in the spine, back muscles or hardened lumbar fascia.

At home, do not hesitate to reproduce the movements of the osteopath.

Adopt a good posture
On a daily basis, whether you are sitting or standing, adopt a good posture and change your position regularly. If you work seated, place your computer at eye level, keep your back and head straight, and your feet flat on the floor. When lying down, lay on your side or back (never on your stomach), with a cushion under your knees to maintain head-shoulder-pelvis alignment.

You can also invest in a lumbar belt, which will allow you to practice certain activities without worrying about your posture and your pain.

Carry loads properly
It is important to carry loads properly, that is to say by bending your knees and squatting, without ever bending over!

Also try not to carry heavy loads. Opt for a backpack, which has the merit of evenly distributing the weight of the bag, unlike a handbag or computer bag, which concentrates the load on one shoulder.
For your groceries, invest in a shopping cart or carry a bag in each hand to distribute the load.

If you are tense, try to relax. Indeed, when you are stressed, your back and your neck are blocked, your shoulders are raised. So try to relax by doing breathing exercises, meditation or relaxation. Also remember to take a few minutes break in your day to stretch your back, in order to maintain its flexibility and relax deeply.

What if my problems persist?

If your back problems persist, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. In some cases, these back pains are harbingers of a problem that should not be overlooked.

Tip: to prevent your back pain and help you avoid bad posture, the Activ’Dos mobile application from the Health Insurance offers you exercises and advice from specialists. Totally free, it will be a great ally to take care of your back on a daily basis!


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