The SAAQ will launch its new digital platform on February 20

(Montreal) The new digital platform of the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), SAAQclic, will be functional as of February 20, the company’s president and CEO, Denis Marsolais, said Thursday morning.

During a press conference, SAAQ leaders detailed the changes brought about by the digital shift, in particular the possibility of carrying out most transactions remotely.

According to Mr. Marsolais, the main objective is to ensure the autonomy of clients, increase the efficiency of services and avoid the need for individuals to travel to service points in the province.

The SAAQ also stated that the new platform will make it possible to alleviate the labor shortage, in addition to absorbing the 2% growth expected over the next few years.

Since its inception in 1978, the company has seen an 81% growth in registered permits and 137% in registered vehicles, but still uses the same technology for its service offering.

The transfer of data to SAAQclic will take place between next January 26 and February 19, a period during which it will be impossible to make a license or registration payment directly to the company. Customers will instead have to turn to online services or the counters of their financial institution.

The SAAQ specified that the points of service and call centers would remain open throughout the change, however inviting customers to travel only for “essential services”.

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