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08:56 : Today, I am angry about my situation but I also think of those who practice my profession and who risk suffering professional wear and tear. I am a special education teacher. It is a magnificent profession, although undervalued. Salaries are low. I will soon be 61 and I can’t take it anymore. I continue to work after having reached the last rung for several years. The collective agreements have made no provision for retirement at age 62 and even less for the additional months or years. Yes I am angry because I feel the injustice of this reform and I have the feeling that my life expectancy is being reduced. I am a striker without being proud of it, but for me it was an obvious position to take.
08:56 : It is not gratuitous opposition to this pension reform that guides my anger, it is this injustice when other solutions are not even considered!! Taxing 2% of the richest or imposing contributions to stock market transactions to balance our system and allow workers to enjoy a few years of rest, why, but why is it not possible??
08:55 : I am for pension reform. Rather than wishing to leave early to finally enjoy life in retirement, I believe that it is better to work longer by improving the lives of all workers. For example, rather than saying that grandparents have to retire to look after grandchildren, parents of young children should have the possibility and the financial resources to reduce their working hours if they wish keep their child. And it’s the same for voluntary commitments. Let’s free up time throughout life and not concentrated between 60 and 65.
08:55 : It seems to me that the latest developments following the negotiations are going in the right direction in France: a partial retirement could be envisaged in many difficult jobs from the age of 55 or, on part of the working time, a reduction in the tasks for those who have a physically heavy job or simply stressful, because requiring a strong concentration, for example. In the Netherlands, where I lived for many years and where retirement has been set at 67 for a long time, middle and high school teachers, for example, have the possibility, from the age of 55, to give fewer lessons and to be entrusted with administrative tasks during the remaining time. They are paid the same. Those I knew all used this right which greatly relieved them.
08:55 : In the comments, you continue to explain to us why you are in favor or not of the government’s pension reform project.
08:40 : For a social movement to obtain concessions from power, it must “clearly identified objectives”of the “experienced relays and forces” like unions, and “the understanding of opinion”, details the historian. This great interview can be found here.
08:40 : “The demonstration alone has apparently reached its limits.”
Michel Pigenet observes that over the past two decades, demonstrations are no longer enough “to push back the authorities”.
08:39 : In the history of social movements, we find relatively calm periods, “and then suddenly it gets carried away with a major movement: it’s 1936, 1947-48, 1953, 1968 and finally 1995”recalls the historian.
08:39 : At a time when the unions are calling for a strike to protest against the pension reform, franceinfo spoke with Michel Pigenet, professor emeritus of contemporary history and specialist in social movements. We asked him if the ingredients allowing a social protest to succeed are met.
08:23 : Teacher for more than 30 years (middle school, high school), I have seen many retired colleagues leave, at 60 years old first, then 62, and very rarely beyond. Most had started the job with passion and enthusiasm. They ended up tired, worn out, even flushed, by the working conditions, the successive often ephemeral and contradictory reforms, the lack of recognition, the absence of occupational medicine, etc. “The best job in the world”, or “lazy job always on vacation” for those who only saw the tip of the iceberg but were careful not to enter the recruitment competitions for this supposedly idyllic profession. When I was recruited, the contract was clear: retirement at age 60, 37.5 annual contributions. Today, I am told 64 years, 43 years of contribution. This is where the worn-out marathon runner, whose classes keep taking on students (35-36, new gauge) and cases (multiple dys, allophones) says stop…
08:22 : I am on strike today and like many public and private employees, I oppose the extension of the legal age. It is not a privilege to want to live at least 10 years of your life in good health after several decades of work… Thank you FI for this place of sharing and expression.
08:22 : I support the pension reform, but I concede that there are adjustments to be made, especially for long careers. France is the European country where people work the least: see if 35 hours exist elsewhere! In addition, many countries apply a departure at 64, 65 and even 67 years old!! What saddens me in this country is that whatever the reform, the French reject it! Let them go and see if the grass is greener elsewhere!
08:20 : We must reform for reasons that are easy to understand: demographics! Our neighbors integrated it a long time ago, without causing any drama. Why are we here today, denying the obvious???
08:20 : In the comments, you explain why you support or not the pension reform project. Here are some of your testimonials.
08:13 : The reductions in electricity production, organized by EDF agents to challenge the pension reform project, intensified sharply this morning. They reached the equivalent of twice the consumption of Paris, learned AFP from the CGT and the manager of the RTE network.
08:11 : The cuts in electricity production, organized by agents to challenge the pension reform, have intensified sharply, report the CGT and RTE.
08:01 : And here are several of the titles chosen by your regional dailies this morning, for this first day of mobilization against the pension reform.

08:00 : Unsurprisingly, the mobilization against the pension reform made the front page of most newspapers this morning. As for national newspapers, The echoes explain why the “confrontation” between executive and trade unions around the departure age was “inevitable”.
07:20 : Whether you are for or against pension reform, @Wake up at 5:40 a.m., you can explain your position to us (in a constructive and respectful way, of course!) in the comments. Obviously, I will not be able to pass all the testimonies, but I will relay some of them so that the debate continues in this live broadcast. Good day to you !
07:44 : How do we show our support for reform and the reduction of privileges for some?
07:13 : “In all mobilizations of this type, there have always been tributaries to the river of protest. Saturday is a tributary to Thursday.”
For Eric Coquerel as for the other executives of the movement, “don’t compare” the two days of mobilization, different in nature and ambition. We explain to you how LFI tries to “take the sparks wherever they come from”while officially respecting the role of trade unions.
07:18 : It is today that the mobilization against the pension reform really begins, with many parades throughout France and a Parisian procession which will leave from the Place de la République this afternoon. Rebelote Saturday for the members of La France insoumise, who call to join the demonstration of ten youth organizations, without unions or other political organizations. I tell you about this unique strategy in this article.

06:29 : The energy sector is also affected. As of yesterday, EDF agents carried out the first cuts in electricity production in dams. This mobilization did not cause any power cuts.
06:28 : The strike is expected to cause severe disruption in several sectors. On the transport side, Ile-de-France should be particularly affected, with many metro lines at a standstill. In the schools, the unions expect up to 70% of strikers.
07:14 : It is the day of the general mobilization against the pension reform. According to the Solidaires union, more than 250 rallies are planned across France to protest against the postponement of the retirement age to 64. The Parisian procession must set off from the Place de la République at 2 p.m. to rally Nation.
07:14 : Here is a first point on the titles:
A first day of general mobilization. An inter-union is calling for a strike today to protest against the pension reform project. You can follow the movement in our live.
• Transport, hospitals, schools… Find here, sector by sector, the details of the planned disruptions.
The Ukrainian authorities will today start a criminal investigation into the crash of a helicopter near kyiv. Volodymyr Zelensky ordered these investigations into the accident, which killed at least 14 people, including the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior.
Nine departments in the South-West are currently on orange alert due to the risk of snow and ice. The Landes are still on orange flood alert.