Here is the smartest astrological sign according to a study!

Some natives are much more stubborn while others are very sensitive or even manic … Peculiarities that are easy to determine according to the stars … Only here, if there is one thing that is difficult to quantify, it is intelligence. Yet British researchers have tried to determine if one astrological sign is smarter than others! By analyzing the signs of people who have already received a Nobel Prize… And curiously, a native stood out! This is Gemini.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

According to this study published on the Go Compare website, the sign of Gemini is the smartest in the zodiac! The reason ? This Air sign known to be someone very curious and very determined is the one with the most Nobel laureates! 97 people born under the sign of Gemini have already received this famous prize like Betty Williams (Nobel Peace Prize) or Bob Dylan (Nobel Prize for Literature).

Obviously, this study does not mean that the other signs are less intelligent than this native who is oddly known to be the most hated astrological sign of the zodiac!

In second position, we find the Balances, also air signs (93 Nobel Prize) then the Virgins (88 Nobel Prize).


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