live in TPMP, Jean-Marie Bigard reframes Robin, the 21-year-old influencer seen in Zone Interdite

This Sunday January 15, 2023, M6 broadcast a new issue of “Zone Interdite” devoted to “the excesses of cosmetic surgery. The documentary presented by Ophélie Meunier thus followed several young people in full physical transformation, before and after going to the pool table. If the testimony of Louna who underwent rhinoplasty at only 16 years old, caused a lot of talk, the journey of Robin, a 21-year-old influencer also caused a strong reaction.

The day after the broadcast of the show, the young man was on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste” to utter a rant. Robin indeed complained about the assembly carried out by M6 and underlined that the chain did not put forward the fact that he is an actor, that he is a business manager. Also, the young man was sorry for the portrayal of him, which shows him as an addict to surgery when he had never touched his body before the operation shown on television.

Robin cropped by Jean-Marie Bigard live
Just before talking about all this, Robin confided in Cyril Hanouna on what he used before. “I did two operations. In 2019 I did liposuction and at the same time I did a bichectomy, that’s what you do when you have excess fat in your cheeks. Often the presenters TV do, it’s very common…”.

What push Jean-Marie Bigard, columnist in TPMP, to react: “It digs the cheeks a little, right?”. And Robin to answer a bit mockingly: “So you, you didn’t do it…”. Annoyed, the famous comedian did not hesitate to respond with poignancy: “But I fuck you!”.


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