“Nadine, it was a joy to live. I always had a lot of fun with her. The owner of Nadine Flora Alinanyinyi’s home is shaken by the death of the young mother, found dead Thursday in her apartment in Mont-Saint-Hilaire.
” It’s sad. Very very sad. He was a really good person,” confided to The Press the owner, Marjolaine Dubois.
Around 2 p.m. Thursday, the police discovered the victim, unconscious, in his home located rue Joseph-Elzéar-Bernier. She was transferred to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. The cause of his death is still unknown, said Sergeant Audrey-Anne Bilodeau, spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec (SQ).
When police arrived, an infant was at the scene. He was taken care of and taken to the hospital as a preventive measure. The file was transferred to the investigators of crimes against the person of the SQ.
Friday morning, passing The Press, large bloodstains were visible in the hallway leading to the victim’s apartment. In the morning, relatives of the victim and neighbors were still met by police, said Sergeant Bilodeau.
Nadine Flora Alinanyinyi lived on the third floor of a triplex, with a Cameroonian colleague, in a residential area of Saint-Hilaire. “They arrived in Quebec on the 1er January 2020 in the middle of a snowstorm,” recalls the owner.
“A gentle and hard-working person”
The 34-year-old woman had been a resident attendant at the Le Quartier Saint-Hilaire residence of Le Groupe Maurice since her arrival from Cameroon in 2020. She had recently been on maternity leave.

The 34-year-old woman had been a resident attendant at the Le Quartier Saint-Hilaire residence of Le Groupe Maurice since her arrival from Cameroon in 2020.
“Ms. Alinanyinyi was recognized as a gentle and hard-working person and she was greatly appreciated by her peers and residents,” said Marie-Ève Généreux, director of corporate communications at Le Groupe Maurice in a statement sent to The Press.
Like two of her Cameroonian colleagues, she had been hired at the residence as part of an international recruitment program. ” [Elle] was still a Groupe Maurice employee three years later, a source of great pride for our organization,” added Ms.me Generous.
Le Groupe Maurice has indicated that it offers psychological support to employees as well as to residents affected by the tragedy, indicated Mr.me Generous.