Three people are still missing after the explosion in Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan

Three people are still missing following the powerful explosion that shook the small Lanaudière municipality of Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan.

The Minister of Public Security, François Bonnardel, and his colleague responsible for the Lanaudière region, Caroline Proulx, met the media on site, along with Mayor Sébastien Marcil, late Friday morning.

The latter, visibly moved, thanked the population for their support and said he had met the Lafortune family, owner of the Propane Lafortune company, which was blown away by the explosion. It is obviously shaken by events.

Sûreté du Québec spokesperson Éloïse Cossette confirmed that the three missing persons were employees of the company, but did not rule out that there could be other victims.

She said, however, that the scene is very large and that the investigative work was extremely complex. Also, the work is delicate because of the presence of dangerous products on site, although the risk of other explosions has been ruled out.

The police are considering installing a large marquee to protect the scene from the weather.

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