“His children’s toys were lying around on the ground …”: Nicolas Hulot accused by the daughter of a former minister, new details

The Nicolas Hulot affair shed light on an omerta that affects television and political circles. Star of TF1 and former Minister of the Ecological Transition under the presidency of Emmanuel Macron, he faces accusations of harassment, sexual assault and rape by several women, unveiled in an investigation byCorrespondent last November 25. Now, Paris Match is interested in those who knew. Among these people, a former minister under Lionel Jospin, whose daughter claims to have been the victim of the presenter Ushuaia.

My daughter was relieved to learn that a judicial inquiry had been opened. She stands ready to testify in front of the police“, reveals to Paris Match a former government minister Jospin who confirms to the magazine that her child was allegedly attacked by Nicolas Hulot. Indeed, following the scandal, the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office decided to open an investigation, even if the facts are prescribed.

The facts go back to 2006, during the 2007 presidential campaign of the environmental adventurer. “He had arranged to meet her in a Parisian apartment. She was not suspicious, because I knew him well. Her children’s toys were lying around on the floor …“, tells the politician to Paris Match. The candidate for election reportedly tried to kiss her but she pushed him away. He would then have chased her around the sofa. She tried to run away but the locked door resisted. When she managed to leave, she found herself barefoot. “She was furious, she told it afterwards by calling him a poor guy. He had dared to tell her that ‘to [lui], we weren’t saying no ‘!“remembers the former minister at Paris Match.

The latter assures that she has never tried to dissuade his daughter from speaking, because that was what was said on RMC the morning of the broadcast ofCorrespondent. Nicolas Poincaré then declared: “This minister’s daughter has long hesitated to testify. She even once made an appointment with the journalist fromSpecial envoy tobefore canceling while the France 2 team was already on the TGV to join the young woman at home in the east where she lives. Her mother, at the time, had encouraged her not to testify but in the end, she had made the choice to tell everything. “

His testimony does not finally appear in Elise Lucet’s magazine on France 2. However, the extent of the episode ofCorrespondent allowed many women to speak, like Maureen Dor, who presents herself as a victim of Nicolas Hulot and published a powerful letter. Today, Nicolas Hulot is no longer an untouchable, the members of the government took their distance and this allows these women who feared to touch the popular icon to dare to tell. One of the first, Pascale Mitterrand, granddaughter of the former president, had done so in 2018 for Ebdo, asking to preserve his anonymity. His name had been revealed despite everything, dragging him into the media storm at a time when the ex-star of TF1 was still very supported. Today, women who accuse fear less and less to reveal their faces, such as those who attack another legend of the PAF, Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, friend of Nicolas Hulot with whom he would have participated in a shocking game revealed by Paris Match.

Nicolas Hulot remains presumed innocent of the charges brought against him.

Find the entire file in the December 2 issue of Paris Match.

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