an awareness campaign to limit litter



Article written by

R.Miri, A.Rémond, C. Dechassey – France 2

France Televisions

How to fight against illegal dumping of garbage? The city of Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) may have found the parade, by transforming the deposit areas into fake crime scenes.

Yellow and black ribbons and warning signs around garbage bags: scenes of incivism are marked out as crime scenes. The town of Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) is leading an awareness campaign against litter. The municipality has chosen to exhibit them in the eyes of passers-by, intrigued. The cleaners keep an eye out. On patrol, two to three times a week, they track down illegal deposits. Incivilities are found all over the city. “He it only takes a few people to give a degraded image of the city. It must stop “, explains Nicolas Leudière, mayor (various-right) of the town.

Agents try to track down troublemakers, like investigators, with the key “invoicing”, indicates Nicolas Prod’homme, responsible for operating the community of municipalities in the Sabolien region. The names of the owners of the garbage are transmitted to the municipal police, the only one authorized to issue a ticket. The authors of the deposits risk up to 200 euros in fines. The measure has proven itself, according to Christophe Joly, team leader in Sablé-sur-Sarthe: “It’s a long, drawn-out job that pays off.” The 17 municipalities of Sarthe spend nearly 20,000 euros each year to win the battle against these incivilities.

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