Unemployment insurance reform: the end of recruitment difficulties?


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While the last part of the reform of unemployment insurance comes into force, job seekers will have to have worked no longer four, but six months to receive benefits. What to solve recruitment problems? On the tray of 20 Hours of France 2, journalist Alexandra Bensaid shade that idea.

The reform of unemployment insurance, will it overcome the recruitment problems of businesses? A probable idea, but to qualify, believes the journalist Alexandra Bensaid on the tray of 20 Hours of France 2. Faced with the argument that some job seekers would take advantage of Pôle Emploi’s aid not to work, she recalls that the agency carried out an investigation in 2018 on this subject: only 8% of them received allowances without actively looking for work.

But then, how to explain the number of vacant positions? Very often, we realize that there is a problem of training, salary, schedule or even place “, details Alexandra Bensaid. If we should not wait for a miracle according to her, the journalist explains that the government wants above all to register with this reform in the fight against short contracts. The only certainty is at the economic level: the system could save up to 2 billion euros per year.

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