Mandatory knowledge | The duty

Thanks to Marco Jean, literature teacher at Cégep de Saint-Laurent, for his plea in favor of a general education, which we should rename “compulsory knowledge”. Not “obligatory” in its peremptory sense, but rather as something necessary, even urgent, in these times. An everlasting necessity for our personal and collective development, and I would go against this reductive movement in education that Marco Jean denounces by proposing the importance of distributing this knowledge in primary and secondary schools. This knowledge, whether philosophical, literary, historical, ecological, geographical and, why not, psychological, as well as scientific (great popularized theories), we will need it greatly. This world has, indeed, an urgent need of our knowledge and our attention, so that we can love it and protect it from our ignorance, voluntary or involuntary.

Education must never become the factory for producers/consumers and other dream agents of the consumer society, but rather has the duty to continue its role with civil society: that of allowing it to conquer knowledge, free -thinking, critical sense and fulfilment.

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