what cancer would he have?

Authoritarian leader of his country, Vladimir Putin has always made it a point of honor to confiscate the majority of powers and to focus on his person. A cult of personality which has its limits since the head of the Kremlin does not however communicate on his state of health, he who is 70 years old. Since the beginning of the conflict led the war, many rumors circulate concerning this subject. According to US intelligence officials, the Russian president would have undergone treatment in April 2022 for advanced cancer. Former British MP Louise Mensch says he has suffered from Parkinson’s disease since 2020. Other sources mention thyroid cancer or an autoimmune disease.

Information that is of course brushed aside by the Russians. “I don’t believe anyone with a wits about him can see any signs of any disease or ailment in (Vladimir Putin)said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Vladimir Putin influenced by his medication?

A member of Denmark’s secret service told the Danish daily Berlingske, on December 30, 2022, that Vladimir Putin would be under the influence of certain drugs. Indeed, the decisions made by the Russian president at the start of the war against Ukraine may have been dictated by the side effects of the cancer treatment that would eat away at him.

It’s not something I can say 100%, but I think it affected his decisions when he started the war in Ukraine.“, said “Joakim” (pseudonym), the head of the Russian department within the Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE), the military intelligence service of Denmark. And to add:We believe that a large part of the reasons for the failure can be attributed to Putin“.


See also: Emmanuel Macron “shirtless”? Vladimir Putin talks about a ‘disgusting’ sight

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