Miss France 2023 will have to do with Miss agricultural who also intends to tour France!

If Indira Ampiot won the Miss France 2023 scarf hands down last December, the same evening other famous beauty contests took place. Among them, the election of Miss and Mister France Agricole which rewards the talent of young French farmers… And it was Pauline Pradier, 31 years old and winegrower in Saint-Nazaire in the Gard Rhodanien who won this competition!

“I am a winegrower and I am proud of it! My job is my passion and it was my father who passed it on to me from a very young age. This is why after having finished my oenology studies and traveled to enrich my knowledge thanks to the various foreign cultures, it is quite naturally that I took up the torch of the family exploitation “Domaine de Vallaurie” in private cellar »can we read via the Facebook page of the farmer.

A vocation that she intends to promote and highlight throughout her year of reign: “I am very proud to represent France Agricole for a year! Thanks to my family, they are the ones who shared my passion and my values! My friends who believed in this adventure! I am proud of my region for being Gard and French, a country where we eat and drink well and where agriculture is essential. », rejoiced Pauline Pradier with our colleagues from TV Sud following her victory.

A miss who will meet at several events, including of course the agricultural show which will take place from February 25 to March 5, 2023.

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