Priscilla Betti has a big rant against “The Voice”!

In 2015, after a big media vacuum, Priscilla Betti made a nice comeback to the front of the stage in Dancing with the Stars. Associated with Christophe Licata, the young woman chained high-flying performances to brilliantly reach the final against Loïc Nottet against whom she failed heavily. A defeat she has had trouble » to digest: « “Dancing with the stars”, it’s Latin dances, standard dances and they have integrated the contemporary for several years in the show, but now we put all the sauces “, she lamented on the antenna of Radio VL.

I respect Loïc a lot, what he did on Sia was exceptional, but if you look at the course from the start, he had a lot more trouble in the [danses] standard and Latin in the services. I was made to do jives in heels, the total! Same, I was made to start the competition number one all the way then in the final, they put me number two. It was a TF1 product, I’m sure that’s it… He really had a project with TF1 so I think it must have played a little bit… Even Christophe told me “If this year I don’t win with you, I earn more” », she shouted.

In an interview she gave us, Priscilla Betti added a layer: “I think there are contracts made with stars to release albums or whatever and that can favor some people. I personally found that they had been very hard on me. Doing a jive in heels, changing my choreography in the middle of the week… I didn’t get any help! Not all candidates have the same level of difficulty.

The singer also took the opportunity to rant against another TF1 show. Indeed, the young woman told us to be approached to participate in the TV hook as a candidate. A proposal that she considers heresy given her status as “professional singer”. “My place would be more in the jury of” The Voice Kids “, I would have all my legitimacy there”, she specifies.


See also: Priscilla Betti: her fashion evolution!

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