we tell you everything about tiger grass!

What is tiger grass?

Its real name is “Centella Asiatica”, it is part of the Apiaceae family. It is a plant with multiple virtues. It has been used for centuries in China and India in Ayurvedic medicine. Its flowering aerial parts are used in particular in cosmetics. It is very effective as draining, toning, healing and anti-aging! It is increasingly integrated into food infusions, salads and care/beauty products.

Did you know ? It is more commonly called tiger grass because felines rubbed themselves in it to heal their wounds.

Its benefits are many:

  • Stimulates collagen, fights sagging skin and dehydration
  • Illuminates the complexion
  • Heals and soothes damaged and dry skin, eczema and psoriasis
  • Relieves heavy legs
  • Reduce cellulite and stretch marks

Do you know the story of Chinese herbalist Li Ching-Yun?

This man would have been a big consumer of tiger grass and would have died… at the age of 256!

The craze is such that more and more brands are using it in their cosmetics. We find the Dr. Jart + brand which has released a Cicapair range, based on tiger grass. In particular, you can find its serum designed to repair sensitive skin and reduce pimples from the first uses. Dr. Jart +, face serum €26.75.

Jeanette Atme Daou

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