[Critique] “In the future”, Farfadet

Few artisans of the Quebec rap scene have the curriculum vitae of Farfadet. A veritable Swiss army knife of the movement, he has participated in its development for twenty years, first as a rapper, then as beatmaker and DJ, in particular in concert with the friend Souldia, who collaborates on two of the seven songs of In the future. In recent years, it is above all as a composer and collaborator that he has distinguished himself, and the experience can be heard in the music of this mini-album: Farfadet finds the right balance between accessible grooves and sharp production, trap and tense on the title song and Bite (the best of the project), pop and dancing on the retrospective tightrope walker, adorned with a melodramatic guitar motif (played by his father) on The planets will wait, on which Farfadet sings more than he raps. Let’s appreciate the contrast between the refinement of the productions and the roughness of the interpreter, in his scratchy voice as in his prosody which weighs each of his words.

Click here for an excerpt.

In the future

★★★ 1/2

hip hop

Leprechaun, Joy Ride Records

To see in video

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