Sex culture at the World Cup

Like the whole planet, I watched the legendary World Cup between France and Argentina. I even took a look at the awards ceremony. Surprise ! Upon receiving his big trophy, the big goalkeeper of the Argentine team hastened to put it between his two legs. Disgraceful gesture if any, but above all a gesture of consummate machismo. What was he thinking, this man, while doing that? He is not aware of all the assaults made on women by athletes in the sports world? It is however denounced by the majority of the media. I was also surprised that the day after this scene, the media did not say a word. I believed in their goodwill not to tarnish Messi’s fine victory…

What have the media thought of in recent days, teasing the French, who have denounced this gesture in particular? Journalists are now talking about the French team’s frustration at losing. They’re just bad losers, they intone with a chuckle. Didn’t they make the link between the attitude of the macho Martinez and this macho culture that leads to aggression? Why close your eyes and not rather say: here is another one who sets an example for boys and men around the world of the power of male virility. Which power generates this culture so long and still tolerated rape, aggression.

I am a woman and when I saw this big idiot showing off his trophy between his legs – an obvious metaphor for his cock – I thought the media would react. They are so vigilant these days in exposing assaults on women.

But no…. it’s well anchored, the macho culture.

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