Stéphane Plaza makes fun of Jean-Luc Reichmann and announces a big surprise!

Friday, December 29, TV Magazine will publish, as every year, its ranking of the favorite animators of the French. And for the fourth consecutive year, it could be that it is once again dominated by Stéphane Plaza. Except that this time, Karine Le Marchand’s great friend has planned a big surprise in the event of victory. “I’m confident“, he explained a few days ago on the set of BuzzTv. Before adding: “I hope it will still be me, in any case it is a desire“.”Being first among women… Who doesn’t want to be the French George Clooney?“, he slipped mischievously. “JI won’t be offended [de ne plus être numéro un]. Make way for young people, maybe Karine le Marchand“, he said, before confiding that he was ready to do anything to keep the first class of this classification. “If I have to put on a wig to keep my first place, I do it“.

Always ready to amuse the gallery with his jokes, the most famous real estate agent of the PAF is even ready to take up a completely crazy challenge if the French vote for him again. “I’ll tell you something, if I was ever number one again, I’d walk naked from the Champs-Élysées to Concorde to celebrate this victory with a wig.he said, before entrusting: I’m not about to scroll“.

And this Monday, December 26, a few days before the result of the votes, Stéphane Plaza again mentioned this crazy bet. From an Instagram story, the host of “House for sale” even spoke to one of his most famous rivals, Jean-Luc Reichmann. “I have the wig, I have the cap, my scooter is ready, so that I can go from the Champs-Élysées to the Concorde naked. And Jean-Luc I’m sorry to tell you but the votes are closed so don’t be too disappointed. We eagerly await the results.“, he launched, a blond wig on the head.


See also: Stéphane Plaza attracted by a client 50 years his senior!

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