COVID-19 report in Quebec December 22, 2022

Quebec reports seven new deaths linked to COVID-19 in its most recent report on Thursday, while hospitalizations are down.

Of the new deaths announced Thursday, none have occurred in the past 24 hours. Five people died two to seven days ago, and two more than seven days ago.

Since the start of the pandemic, 17,593 Quebecers have lost their lives in connection with the disease.

In terms of hospitalizations, authorities reported a drop of 27 from the previous day. There are now 2,122 patients with COVID-19 who are hospitalized, including 735 due to the disease.

The number of patients who end up in intensive care has decreased by two, for a total of 55 people, including 26 who are being treated specifically for COVID-19.

The number of health professionals who are in withdrawal in connection with the virus has meanwhile increased slightly, to reach 3,797.

The number of new cases has decreased somewhat, with 1173 new infections, and a positivity rate of 12.6%. And we must add at least 121 cases detected on Wednesday by rapid tests.

The number of cases is probably underestimated, since the screening centers are reserved for priority clienteles.

On Wednesday, 11,531 Quebecers received a dose of the vaccine against COVID-19.

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