A winter storm expected in Quebec starting Thursday evening

A winter storm is expected to hit much of Quebec starting Thursday evening and continuing until Christmas Eve, according to Environment Canada forecasts.

A “major” weather system is expected over the province bringing significant amounts of snow, very strong winds and blowing snow, the federal agency said in a special weather report.

The snow should start Thursday evening in several places. Regions north of the St. Lawrence River, such as the Laurentians, Lanaudière and Mauricie, could receive between 20 and 40 centimeters by Friday evening. The flakes would continue to accumulate during the day on Saturday and could reach up to 60 centimeters in some places.

For the sectors near the river, the amounts of snow will be less important, because the precipitation will change into rain, warns Environment Canada. What’s more, freezing rain is possible overnight Thursday through Friday, as well as the next morning.

The weather service is also forecasting a significant amount of rain in the southern regions of Quebec on Friday. In addition, ice could occur during the transition from snow to rain in Montreal and Montérégie.

In the east of the province, the snow should begin Friday morning with possible accumulations of 10 to 20 centimeters, mentions Environment Canada.

During the evening or night, precipitation could change to rain and the amounts could approach 30 millimeters.

These weather conditions are likely to complicate holiday travel. Environment Canada advises delaying all non-essential travel during the storm. Power outages are also possible.

The population is encouraged to prepare emergency plans and carry emergency kits containing drinking water, food, medicine, a first aid kit and a flashlight.

source site-60