War in Ukraine: Zelensky in Washington, Biden promises to help “as long as it takes”

Ukraine “holds its positions and will never surrender”, Volodymyr Zelensky launched on Wednesday to the applause of the American Congress, to which he assured that the money paid to Ukraine was not “charity”, but an investment “.

The Ukrainian president had booked his first foreign visit since the Russian invasion of the United States, the country’s largest donor.

Greeted by a standing ovation from members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Ukrainian President, dressed in his traditional khaki attire, in English and with the utmost solemnity, said: “Contrary to the most dire predictions, Ukraine did not fall. Ukraine is alive and fighting. »

“Russian tyranny no longer has control over us”, he said again, acclaimed several times during a vibrant speech of about twenty minutes, which concluded his very first trip abroad. since the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Beyond the lyricism, the Ukrainian president has tried to convince Congress, which will partially switch to the side of the Republicans in January, to continue its massive aid.

“I would like to thank you, thank you very much for the financial aid that you have given us and that which you may decide,” he said.

“Your money is not charity, it is an investment in global security and democracy, which we manage in the most responsible way,” Volodymyr Zelensky said, in response to concerns expressed by some conservative officials. , who no longer want a “blank check” for kyiv.

Contrary to the most dire predictions, Ukraine did not fall. Ukraine is lively and combative.

And this, while parliamentarians must approve a massive new package of nearly $45 billion in humanitarian and military assistance for Ukraine.

He also linked the fight against Russia to the threat posed by Iran, a theme dear to the Republican camp, which criticizes Democratic President Joe Biden for being too complacent with Tehran.

“The deadly drones sent by the hundreds from Iran to Russia have become a threat to our strategic infrastructure. Of them [États] terrorists found themselves well. And it’s only a matter of time before they attack your other allies,” he warned.

Not enough

In a sometimes almost playful tone, the Ukrainian president also hinted that he would not relax the pressure to obtain more weapons and heavier equipment.

“We have artillery, yes,” he said, adding, “Is that enough? Honestly, not really. »

And he also said that “Ukrainian soldiers can operate American tanks and planes perfectly themselves”, an allusion to equipment that Washington has so far refused to provide.

At the end of his speech, Volodymyr Zelensky turned to the leader of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and to the vice-president, Kamala Harris, who were presiding over this exceptional session.

“When I was in Bakhmout yesterday, our heroes gave me the flag, their flag. The banner of those who defend Ukraine, Europe and the world at the cost of their lives,” he said, before presenting the leaders with the blue and yellow flag, covered with the signatures of soldiers.

In return, they presented him with an American flag that was hoisted atop the Capitol on Wednesday to mark his historic visit.

Joe Biden promised the Ukrainian President, on a historic visit to the White House, on Wednesday to “continue to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to defend itself”, with the commitment of the United States to provide it with its sophisticated defense system. Patriot anti-aircraft.

The two men, after a conversation in the Oval Office, surrounded by the heavyweights of their governments, gave a press conference to better mark this historic visit.

“We are aware that the Ukraine fight is part of something much bigger,” said Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky standing at his side dressed as usual now in a sweater and khaki pants. and wearing heavy boots.

“If we don’t stand up to such blatant attacks on freedom, democracy and fundamental principles such as sovereignty and territorial integrity, the world will face far worse consequences,” he said.

“We will stay by your side as long as it takes,” he continued, saying he was “not at all worried” about the strength of the Western alliance, as 300 days have passed since the start of the war.

New Russian Missiles

Vladimir Putin meanwhile pledged on Wednesday to increase the capabilities of his army and its nuclear potential, while discarding all responsibility for the “common tragedy” in Ukraine.

Speaking during a meeting with high-ranking officers, the Russian president thus announced the entry into service “at the beginning of January” of the new Russian hypersonic cruise missiles Zircon and considered increasing the number of the army. Russian to 1.5 million soldiers.

Its Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, at the same time assured that the Russian troops were fighting “the combined forces of the West” and revealed that Moscow intended to install bases to support its fleet in Mariupol and Berdiansk, two cities occupied southern Ukraine.

At the same time, the Kremlin warned against further US arms deliveries to Ukraine, which would only “aggravate” the conflict.

On the ground, fighting continued Wednesday, with the Ukrainian military reporting Russian attacks, particularly shelling, in the east and northeast.

“The enemy continues to concentrate its efforts on the conduct of offensive actions in the directions of Bakhmout and Avdiivka”, in the east, underlined in the evening the staff of the Ukrainian forces.

At least five people have been killed and 17 injured in the past 24 hours, according to the presidency.

After a series of Russian military setbacks in northeastern and southern Ukraine, the bulk of the fighting is now taking place in the east.

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