at-risk children targeted by vaccination?


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The Haute Autorité de santé recommends vaccination in children aged 5 to 11 at risk, in order to avoid serious cases. Dr Damien Mascret goes into detail on this recommendation from the health agency.

While the government has still not commented on the issue of vaccination of children under 12, according to the High Authority for Health, children at risk should benefit from doses of vaccine against Covid-19. It is only children with co-morbidities or a fragile environment who would be concerned. “On the other hand, the High Authority for Health has ruled out for the moment the vaccination of all children from 5 to 11 years old”, specifies Dr Damien Mascret, journalist France Televisions, guest on the set of the Journal de 20 Heures

Although the risk of severe Covid is minimal in children, it still exists. Out of nearly 420,000 cases of Covid-19 detected in children aged 5 to 11, 1,284 cases required hospitalization, with 226 cases in intensive care. Three deaths are to be noted in France. As Dr Damien Mascret indicates, the figures relate to all children, with or without co-morbidities. In another study, nearly 4 in 5 children hospitalized with Covid-19 did not have comorbidities, but 23% of children in intensive care showed signs of comorbidities.


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