this publication by Jean-Luc Reichmann which outrages the web

This Sunday, December 18, 2022, France sadly lost in the final of the World Cup which was held in Doha, Qatar. If the Blues could not help but show their disappointment just after the final whistle, the Argentines themselves, of course, celebrated their victory with fanfare on the pitch.

Just before the Argentina team lifted the cup, the Argentine goalkeeper, Emialiano Martinez, received the award for the best goalkeeper of the entire competition, he who stopped many balls in front of goal. When retrieving his trophy in the shape of a hand covered in gold, the 30-year-old man hastened to take it and place it in front of his private parts to mimic an obscene posture. A moment immortalized by the cameras that quickly went around the world…

Jean-Luc Reichmann: his subscribers shocked by the scene
Saddened by the defeat of the Blues, Jean-Luc Reichmann posted the photo of the obscene scene of Emialiano Martinez, ironically wishing his subscribers a good week. The latter strongly commented, expressing their indignation: “Like what this team did throughout the World Cup: disrespectful”, “Better to lose with class than to win with filth!”, “If we don’t have to give them football lessons, we could perhaps -be giving them lessons in elegance and dignity…”, “Lack of respect…”, “No respect”, “What a lack of class and respect”, “He was unspeakably vulgar”, “ A vulgar gesture from which he could have refrained”, “Yes, no respect, shame on them”, “Inadmissible, disrespectful, lamentable… An evil of total respect…”.


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