The return of Two Golden Women?

A feature film inspired by the film two golden women by Claude Fournier is one of the 10 fiction projects that will be supported by the Société de développement des entreprises culturelle (SODEC) through the production assistance program.

A re-reading of the famous film released in 1970 (which starred Monique Mercure and Louise Turcot) is in the boxes of the production company Maison 4: 3. Catherine Léger (to whom we owe Charlotte has fun) would be in charge of the screenplay while the production would be entrusted to Chloé Robichaud, who gave us Sarah prefers running.

Among the other feature films supported by SODEC, there are two other adaptations, literary this time. The film become a monster will be inspired by the novel by Jean Barbe How to become a monster. Simon Lavoie would wear the double hat of screenwriter and director. An adaptation of the novel by Marie-Renée Lavoie The small and the old is also in development. Sébastien Girard would act as screenwriter and Patrice Sauvé, director.

A dramatic comedy by Isabelle Lavigne (scriptwriting and production) also caught SODEC’s attention. His title : The worlds of Hamdi.

The other French-language titles that will receive assistance from SODEC are drama Kairos by Jennifer Alleyn, Where do souls go? by Brigitte Poupart, the sci-fi romantic comedy you are not alone by Marie-Hélène Viens and Vile and miserablean adaptation of a comic by Samuel Cantin directed by Jean-François Leblanc.

Two English-language feature films will also receive SODEC assistance, namely the biographical drama Ethel directed by Aisling Walsh and Out Standind in the Fieldadapted from the book Alone at the Front: A Testimony of the First Canadian Infantry Officer by Sandra Perron.

Three feature films also saw their preliminary offer of financial assistance renewed, namely the drama Blue flower, the poetic tale A bitter taste of eternity and the drama The mechanics of borders.

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