Mocked by Internet users after her stay in Dubai, Kelly Vedovelli explodes on Instagram!

If a large part of the world had their eyes riveted on the World Cup final between France and Argentina this weekend, Kelly Vedovelli went to the Arabian Peninsula to discover all its wonders. And the famous “TPMP” columnist of course shared the pictures of this fabulous trip with her Instagram community. The pretty blonde notably took advantage of the immense expanses of the Dubai desert and a breathtaking sunset.

The young woman also visited the very famous Abu Dhabi with its huge shopping centers but also its more authentic mosques. Enough to impress its subscribers on social networks. And this Monday, December 19, the blonde with luscious shapes wanted to address them. “Abu Dhabi: Can’t wait to show you my first time in Dubai“wrote the former Djette of C8. A message that caught the attention of a user who did not miss the opportunity to alert Kelly Vedovelli to a small detail.

Except that Abu Dhabi is not dubai!! At least educate yourself“, launched an Instagram subscriber. What to bring out the columnist of “TPMP” of its hinges.Shut up“, replied the latter. Enough to totally degenerate an exchange that looks surreal.”You shut up your poor uneducated mouth“, then exclaimed the user.

The passage of Kelly Vedovelli in Dubai has in any case made her followers react en masse in the comments. “I don’t understand that a simple photo of her holidays arouses so much hatred, just because she is in tpmp. Countless anonymous people travel to Dubai and Abu Dhabi and post similar snaps without triggering so many hateful comments. Why should she stop living?”, “You should be ashamed”, “Good stay…nice outfit..great glasses..and the cons…well you have to deal with it!!!!but a priori there is there are a lot of them in your subscribers my poor kelly“, can we read.


See also: Cyril Hanouna fires a live columnist in “TPMP”!

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