love at first sight before the election!

Saturday December 17, TF1 broadcast the Miss France 2023 election presented by Jean-Pierre Foucault and Sylvie Tellier! An evening followed by more than seven million viewers which ended with the coronation of Miss Guadeloupe alias Indira Ampiot. The 18-year-old was “surprise” by this victory which certainly pleased Chris from Star Ac’. The singer was invited, Sunday, December 4, in the program, “Less and the City” presented by Leslie Benaroch on Radio VL in the company of Cenzo and Stanislas. Asked about these personalities he would like to “pecho”, the young man turned “towards the candidates of Miss France 2023”. Chambered by the host, the semi-finalist of the last season of the tele-hook said: “I was with Tiana in a show where he presented all the Misses”he began. “It may be my chauvinistic side but Miss Guadeloupe is very very beautiful, she is magnificent”.

His “past” with an ex-Miss France

In a video published by Guillaume Bordas, Chris shared a big secret: “I dated a personality before she became famous.” “I studied in Nancy but I often came to Paris. At the time, I liked going to clubs, a big Parisian club. And I met this girl, we talk, we catch each other. I say ‘It’s sure, I don’t have my chance for after’. We date, it’s going well”.

Stanislas, also invited, intervened by saying: “And she became a Miss France!” In conclusion, Chris added: “But suddenly, she returned to Nord-Pas-de-Calais, I returned to Nancy. I told very few people.” His identity ? Maeva Coucke!

But at the end of the video, Chris finally admitted to having made it all up… enough to feign internet users!

See also: “Star Academy”: Léa’s bad behavior with Amir, everything went wrong live!

Etienne-Hadrien Feyrandrier

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