The Legault government is committed to “indigenizing” elementary and secondary education by revising all educational programs and developing school materials that correspond to the realities of First Nations.
Quebec and the 11 aboriginal nations of the province must notably launch an update of the history program, which will address centuries of colonialism. The new Quebec culture and citizenship course, called to replace the ethics and religious culture program, must also make room for Aboriginal traditions.
“We want young Aboriginals to flourish, to take their place in the community and in Quebec,” Education Minister Jean-François Roberge said Tuesday morning. The announcement took place at the Kiuna Institution, Quebec’s only native CEGEP, in the Abenaki reserve of Odanak, in Center-du-Quebec.
The measures announced at a cost of $ 19.4 million will not only improve the success of Aboriginal students, but also “the social climate in Quebec” by accelerating reconciliation with the First Peoples, added Minister Roberge.
This vast operation may take “a few years”, said Denis Gros-Louis, co-chair of the Table on the Educational Success of Inuit and First Nations Students. The Ministry of Education and indigenous nations will have to “take the time to agree” on this program update, he added.
The measures announced on Tuesday also provide educational support for Indigenous students, more than half of whom attend school boards or service centers located outside the communities.
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