A “new start pack” tested from January 2023

From January 2023, the government will experiment with a “new start pack” to “better support” victims of domestic violence, in the words of Isabelle Rome, minister responsible for gender equality. It will be tested in “several territories” in “urban, rural and overseas areas”, she specifies on France info following the World Day Against Violence Against Women.

Did you know ? Domestic violence is not limited to physical violence. Psychological, verbal, sexual, administrative and economic violence are just as serious!

A “simplest possible route” for victims

For the victim, the course must be “as simple as possible” to avoid that she “go knock on several doors”. “I presided over assize courts, judged many feminicides. I noted that it was very difficult for the victims to leave, to extract themselves from the claws of their executioner, often they had to go back and forth several times. This pack wants to avoid these false starts, ”explained the minister and former magistrate. The goal is that in the long term, the victims have “a single interlocutor, who will trigger all the measures”.

To better protect and support victims of domestic violence, several avenues have been proposed: “It can be an allowance, a skip-the-line system for childcare, professional integration or training, emergency accommodation, support psychological,” said Isabelle Rome. To date, however, the form that this pack will take is not fully defined because the government is still working with the administrations on this subject.

A “specialized justice” to better understand the victims of domestic violence

Since this announcement, parliamentarians have been thinking about “specialized justice” in violence against women, “for more readable, more responsive and more efficient legal action”. Indeed, “it is necessary that all the actors are very well trained and that a dedicated system is put in place to best deal with this violence”, recognizes Isabelle Rome. Because “if we don’t understand what influence is” or “the devastating impact of violence within the couple on children”, we “leave women, we leave children in danger”.

A report will be submitted at the beginning of March on this subject.

An insufficient response for associations

For the feminist collective “We all”, this measure is “Widely insufficient”. The collective asks the government in particular to “dedicate 0.1% of France’s GDP each year to the fight against gender-based violence, i.e. 2 billion euros” and to create 15,000 additional places in emergency accommodation for victims of domestic violence. An annual budget of 2 billion euros also claimed by other structures, such as Family Planning.

Did you know ? Per year, only 50 million euros are allocated to equality between men and women.

If you are a victim, talk about it

If you are a victim of domestic violence, know that you are not alone. Do not hesitate to contact 39.19, the national reference number for women victims of violence. Anonymous and free, this system offers listening, informs and directs towards support and support systems.

You can also turn to the government site https://arretonslesviolences.gouv.fr/ or to mutual aid applications, such as The Sorority or App-Elles.

In emergency situations, you must call the Police or the Gendarmerie on 17.


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