[Guide d’autodéfense] The environment, a delicate subject

Statement: During the holidays, it’s not the time to deprive yourself and impose dietary restrictions. It’s up to vegetarians and vegans to make the effort to eat differently for the occasion. »

Reply: It’s good to provide a vegetarian dish to diversify the menus, because at Christmas, we often multiply the preparation of meat dishes and food waste, harmful to the planet.

“If you want to make someone aware of vegetarianism, the worst thing to do is to criticize their food choices, their way of life, in short, to eat” shaming “. If you are the guest, you can offer to make your own vegetarian dish, to avoid stress for the hosts, ”says Sarah-Jane Turcot, psychosociologist. Instead, emphasize the importance of shared time together and thank your hosts for the effort they put into preparing the meal, she says. “We can’t avoid talking about our food choices,” adds Colleen Thorpe, director at Équiterre. But we have to accept them. Sometimes that means bringing your own food, like if you’re lactose or gluten intolerant. The first time, it surprises. Eventually, people get it. »

Statement: At Christmas, you have to spoil the children and maintain the magic at all costs with multiple gifts”

Reply: Falling into consumerism, with plastic or disposable toys, is harmful to the environment and sets a poor example for children.

“Sometimes it is better to forget the gift and look at the intention behind the gesture: the generosity, the emotion. You can honor the gesture without denying your convictions,” says Sarah-Jane Turcot. You can tell your loved ones in advance the values ​​you want to instill in your children, make proposals, she says. Above all, do not criticize in public the toy deemed too violent or unwelcome. “Talk about it with the person concerned. “Advocating non-consumption at Christmas is not easy, because it is contrary to all the ambient messages, adds Colleen Thorpe, director at Équiterre. “Suggesting books or activities is shocking at first. Over the years, the idea gained ground. The important thing is to open the discussion. »

Statement: We don’t have to change our modes of transportation, the car remains the only way to get around quickly in Quebec, and it’s a strictly personal choice.”

Reply: Car driving goes against the grain of efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, and transportation contributes half of Quebec’s GHGs.

“Modes of transportation directly affect people’s lifestyle choices, so it’s an extremely delicate subject,” according to Colleen Thorpe of Équiterre. We must always remain in the collective discourse, rather than bringing the discussion back to the personal level alone. “It hits less,” she says. For example: “It’s true that it’s hard to make different choices, because there are still a lack of public transit options. » « After having listened to the other, talk about your personal experiences instead, point out the advantages they have brought you. It is sometimes by talking about one’s life choices, without trying to convince, that one arouses the interest of others for a different point of view,” explains Sarah-Jane Turcot.

Statement: Going to the South is the best way to treat yourself to a quick, inexpensive vacation, with guaranteed good weather”

Reply: Flying is the heaviest part of the carbon weight of transport-related GHGs and we should look to other, more eco-responsible forms of travel.

“This kind of concrete situation shakes a lot of people,” explains Inês Lopes, psychologist and educator in environmental and social issues. “Often, people retort that their individual gesture will not change the future of the planet. We can politely add that there are other types of more eco-responsible travel than all-inclusives or cruises, and that the sum of personal gestures is as important as the actions of governments, ”says the psychologist. There is no point in blaming people and lecturing, adds Colleen Thorpe of Équiterre. “However, we can emphasize their luck in having this option, recalling that others choose to travel closer or limit their air travel. »

Statement: Fires have always ravaged forests, global warming is magnified by the media »

Reply: The scientific consensus could not be clearer: floods, forest fires and other extreme climatic events are on the increase, which proves that climate change is accelerating.

“Some deny the reality, but the mission to change them is not yours,” says Inês Lopes. Never carry the weight of the argument alone, she says. Recall the facts proven by 99% of scientists, not just environmentalists. “Offer to give reliable sources of information, IPCC reports for example,” she says. You also have to choose your battles. To flee or to fight. If you’re hoping to raise awareness, go for it. But adapting can also mean letting go and taking care of yourself. “People often project their guilt for doing unsustainable actions onto those who make greener choices,” observes Colleen Thorpe. But these do not have to bear this guilt. » 

Statement: With the climate crisis, young people should no longer have children, to prevent them from suffering the horrors of climate change and adding additional weight to the planet.

Reply: It is natural to have children, and it is important for the future of our society to definitely encourage young people to become parents.

In the barometer of explosive subjects, this one definitely wins the prize! believes Inês Lopes. This fairly recent issue may prove inconceivable to many people. And can generate strong reactions in aspiring grandparents, emotionally jostled. Even without a climate crisis, the desire to have children is a personal choice that does not have to be justified in public, believes the psychologist. “In the current context, we can say that more young people are questioning the fact of having children. But it does not compare to “to eat or not to eat meat”. Such a fundamental life choice directly impacts the hopes and deep expectations of our loved ones,” she says. In short, this is a subject to be tackled diligently, and in privacy rather than around the Yule log.

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