Omar Sy gives news of “Lupin” and fans will be disappointed…

After two successful seasons, all the fans are waiting for the third season of Lupine with Omar Sy on netflix. But for the moment, no release date has yet been communicated. And it is not the latest news from the actor that will make it possible to pass the pill and above all, to make the fans wait. Indeed, the one who collaborated with Aya Nakamura and the Cékedubonheur association a few days ago, answered questions from Internet users for our colleagues from Raw. The opportunity for him to give some news of his future projects.

Before talking about Lupine, Omar Sy was first asked about his physique. Indeed, his fans noticed that he had let the beard grow and above all, that it seemed neglected. In reality, if the actor who performs in the United States does not cut it, it is for a very specific reason.

Omar Sy does not know when the sequel to “Lupin” will land

“Why the beard? The answer is very simple… Because. No, I’m actually preparing a role that needs the beard. That’s why I didn’t shave it. In general, I like to do , well drawn and very cute. But there, I couldn’t because in fact, as they say, I’m ‘in production'”he said in an attempt to enlighten Internet users before concluding: “That is to say that I am shooting a film and therefore I cannot touch”.

In the following story, Omar Sy was asked about the rest of Lupine long awaited. According to the latest news, it was to see the light of day at the end of 2022. However, there are only a few days left before moving on to 2023 and no release date seems to be pointing the tip of its nose. “The Lupin series, will it come back?”, a fan asked the comedian. What Omar Sy answered: “The Lupine series is coming back? Um yes… it’s coming back… When? I can’t tell you”. Apparently, it would not be more than the viewers, and 2023 seems more conducive to the arrival of the third season rather than 2022…

See also: Omar Sy: huge consecration for the 44-year-old actor, the canvas in shock!


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