This astonishing confession of Zazie in “Télématin”

Before his big comeback in the coach chair of “The Voice”, Zazie, is making his big comeback in stores! Four years after the success of Essenciel, her 10th studio album, certified platinum and carried by the single Speed, the singer returns with “L’EP”. A new opus propelled on the airwaves by the title Let it Shine. A piece thought as a message of hope in the light that is always reborn and a shot of optimism. ” I wanted lightness. The process of an album also means that it can take a long time between the moment you put an idea or a theme on a sheet and when the public discovers them. But I don’t [voulais] not prevent me from having this resonance with what I live in real time. “, explained the singer.

Invited this Wednesday, December 14 in “Télématin”, Zazie confided that he nevertheless sometimes gave in to anger and evoked certain specific situations. “So I’m Parisian so it can be in traffic jams or watching a news from a hectic world and I noticed that when I was in stressful areas I swore a bit easily. So Gilles de la Tourette is a syndrome, be careful, nothing to do with this disease, where either you swear or you have nervous tics. So be careful I have a deep respect for people who have this disease but I have a little fish syndrome in traffic jams. And there’s a swear word that I like a lot, it’s one-eyed bitch, I find it super colorful“, she declared in front of Thomas Sotto and Julia Vignali.

Recently invited by Eric Dussart and Jade on RTL, Zazie confided that she had a holy horror of the obligations linked to the promotion of a new album. “In fact, it consists of saying less well what you have tried to do well. Self-advancing you will see very few people promoting something they have done. In general, it is a separate profession. The person who goes door to door to sell you a tie is not necessarily the one who knitted the tie. And then to talk about it is a deeply narcissistic exercise and I assure you that after a while we get tired of talking about ourselves. We can not imagine how it can be so addictive, with the multiplicity of networks, televisions.she lamented.


See also: “A total fiasco!” : Zazie looks back on her time at the “Star Academy”

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