Montreal | The opposition wants to moderate the rise in property taxes

The Official Opposition at Montreal City Hall wants to moderate the increase in property taxes announced at the end of November by the Plante administration.

Opposition elected officials believe that the municipal apparatus should tighten its belt before increasing residential taxes by 4.1%, as announced by the Plante administration.

Their proposal: faced with an increase in the City’s budget of 300 million for 2023, they propose to deduct 35 million from this increase. However, they do not target any particular service, indicating that everyone will have to make an effort.

“The logic of Projet Montréal is to always spend more, and the year 2023 will not escape it,” said opposition leader Aref Salem. While all Montrealers are tightening their belts, we are currently seeing the administration playing greedy. »

Mr. Salem and his team will officially submit their proposal to the city council on Thursday. Since the Plante administration has a majority there, the opposition’s proposal has virtually no chance of being adopted.

The opposition is also proposing to rearrange the budget to inject $3 million more into the fight against homelessness, as well as $1 million to increase the salaries of recruits to the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), in order to improve the retention capacity of the police force.

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