the winner of the “Star Academy” as a couple? She FINALLY gives the answer and it will surprise you

Touching but enough to crack the chosen one of his heart? That’s the question Anisha fans are asking. Indeed, the big winner of the star Academy lives on a “little cloud” since she won the last edition of the telecrochet of TF1. Already in collaboration with a record company, the young woman should quickly offer an album to her community. But the happiness of victory takes nothing away from his painful memories. The one who knew how to take over Léa, Enola, or even Louis, lived a “difficult childhood” in Madagascar, as she recalled during an interview granted to Gala.

Arrived at just 16 years old in France, Anisha admits having a “complicated family pattern” and that she is “very modest about his personal history”. She has also kicked into touch with each of the questions related to her mother. “She’s somewhere… But I don’t want to talk about it”she regretted with our colleagues.

Seduced or still single?

Fortunately, by winning the star Academy, the young woman has many projects that will take her time and allow her to have positive elements in her mind. And maybe a shoulder to lean on every day could help her move on even more. Exactly, Gala also wanted to ask her about it.

As surprising as it may seem, Anisha was much less shy and more open to answers than when she had to talk about her mother. The young woman admitted that she did not really think about it and that she wants to put her career before everything else. Despite everything, she also did not answer in the negative when our colleagues asked her if she was a heart to take. “I prefer to keep this to myself”, she confided. A way to make it clear that a person has succeeded in seducing her?

See also: Anisha (Star Academy): big controversy around her performance in the final, she finally reacts and clarifies things


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