the shocking and inappropriate comments of the director of Les Vieilles Charrues after the cancellation of Celine Dion!

This is the video that has been looping for a few hours on television channels and social networks. Looking serious, tears swelling her throat and her face, Celine Dion announced with a broken heart that she was forced to cancel part of her planned tour of Europe next year. “II was recently diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder called Stiff-Person Syndrom, which affects one in a million people. We know that’s the cause of the muscle spasms I’m suffering from. Unfortunately, these spasms affect my daily life on many levels. I sometimes have a lot of difficulty walking and I can’t always use my vocal cords to sing as I would like. I won’t be ready to start my European tour again in February.” she said.

Health problems which therefore force the Canadian star to again fail at the Festival des Vieilles Charrues which takes place every year in the small village of Carhaix in Finistère. An announcement that of course disappointed the organization. “It’s a huge frustration. And it’s even the double penalty“, laments Jérôme Tréhorel, director of the festival. “Because this concert is canceled and not postponed, unlike previous years. A date had been considered and even set for 2024. July 11, precisely. But given the lack of visibility and the uncertainties surrounding the holding of French festivals in 2024, due to the Paris Olympics, Celine Dion’s production finally decided to cancel this date at Les Charrues.“, he specified. Celine Dion had already had to cancel her visit in 2020 following the Covid-19.

Ticket holders can already request their reimbursement on the website But beware, they must apply for it between December 8, 2022 and January 15, 2023 inclusive. “Without action on their part over this period, the value of the ticket will be lost”, explain the Vieilles Charrues. Refunds will be processed from January 16, 2023 and will be effective within 30 working days.


See also: Celine Dion, her legs let go, the revelations of her sister Claudette

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