For more than 20 years, Claire Chazal has been one of the star presenters of TF1. But to everyone’s surprise, the channel ousted her in 2015. A shock for the main interested party. “I had difficult months, moments of cockroach, just after”, she explained to TV Star. “Particularly during the attacks of November 13, where I felt useless, sidelined, having dealt a lot with the terrorist massacres of January 2015. At the time, we tried to convey words that were both reassuring and serious. But I would say that in the weeks following these attacks, I did not miss the coverage of both dramatic events and politics”.
After his eviction, the mother of François bounces back with France Televisions. Especially on France 2 with the program “Passage des Arts”. Unfortunately for the journalist, the group has decided to stop the broadcast of its flagship program from January 15, 2023. Instead, a show orchestrated by Pierre Lescure which honors cinema will be offered to viewers.
“I absolutely did not see the blow coming”
The latest news, Claire Chazal learned of this decision at the start of the week… From the mouth of President Delphine Ernotte. Sensitive subject that she agreed to discuss in the columns of Telerema. “It’s brutal. And it’s a great feeling of injustice. I absolutely did not see the blow coming”, she told our colleagues. “ I defended the quality of the show, its content, the variety of its popular and demanding programming, but it was not negotiable”. On his side, France Televisions – who called on his services in 2016 – assured that the audiences being too low would have precipitated this choice.
As a reminder, the latest edition of “Passage of the Arts” of December 4, 2022 would have gathered only 356,000 viewers. “They are in the average of last season”, defended Claire Chazal. “The management had renewed the program at the start of the school year, and this until June 2023, in full knowledge of the facts”.
to see also: Laurent Delahousse: the presenter comes face to face with an unknown… half-naked before his JT!