new restrictions before a future confinement?

If the epidemic situation is worrying in our region, it is even worse among our German neighbors. A meeting is to be held this Tuesday, November 30 between Angela Merkel, the new Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the heads of regions, to tighten restrictions. Some regions, such as Baden-Württemberg, are heading for new containment.

Contamination records every day

Each day that passes for a month, the contamination rates reach new record in Germany. Since yesterday, the incidence rate has exceeded 450 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the territory. The most affected region is Baden-Württemberg. More than 600 people are hospitalized there in intensive care.

Monday, November 29, the Minister of Health of the Land Manfred Lucha, explained in the German press that he wanted to drastically reduce contact with the population. This notably involves matches without a spectator in football stadiums and the closure of Christmas markets that are still open, such as the one in Karlsruhe.

We ready to welcome German patients

In the German press, the minister is now calling on the federal government to take action. It does not exclude generalized containment, with the schools being kept open.

The Land’s hospitals, saturated, have already started transferring patients to other regions. They could arrive in Strasbourg hospitals as early as this week.

The hospital center is in any case ready to welcome them according to the prefect of Bas-Rhin Josiane Chevalier. “We are ready to initiate the procedures to welcome the German patients. It would be a fair return after the reception they had reserved for our patients last year when the crisis was acute in our region”.

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