[Critique] “Boat”, Bird Island | The duty

For their first micro-album, the Franco-Argentinian duo Isla Oiseau, formed by Wanda Rhodes and Billy Jet Pilot, invites listeners into their sun-drenched universe where the sliding of the fingers on the guitar and the synths is similar to the gentle lapping of the waves. Small boat is thus a set of five pop songs in French in which the casualness of a piece like Journey to Italie of Lilicub and the delicacy, the lucidity and the charm of the life of a couple – sometimes wobbly -, which is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Isla Oiseau. In reality, this EP takes us into the intimacy of a road trip musical thought by the group, imbued with the warmth of the tropics. According to Isla Oiseau, the blue of the sky is here as penetrating as love and melancholy, as can be perceived in the exhilarating The lonely wagons, The devil in the body and white face. Addis Ababafinally, the title that closes the adventure Small boat, is a slight and pleasant stroke of heat. A nice crush too.

Small boat

★★★ 1/2


Isla Oiseau, Kidderminster Records

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