overwhelmed, this movie star shocks live in TPMP

With more than 3,000 films and commercials to his credit, Pierre Cadéac is now considered a true star in the world of cinema and television. The man who trains and tames animals for more than 40 years unfortunately sees his image tarnished today since many testimonies reporting his violence and abuse have just been revealed.

In a major investigation carried out by the teams of journalist Hugo Clément, we indeed discover that the most famous trainer in French cinema, would have disfigured a female monkey, hit an eagle or even beaten a bear cub to fainting, to name a few. only a few slip-ups.

Overwhelmed by dozens of testimonies, the man was this Wednesday, November 30, 2022 on the set of “TPMP” to try to answer the sordid accusations. While the C8 channel unveiled the images of the episode where he punches an eagle”, Pierre Cadéac then took the floor to explain that this eagle was raised like a human being and that he became very aggressive over the years. Having been attacked by the bird on the video, the trainer would not have hesitated to correct it to make it understand that this behavior is bad…

Annoyed viewers
While waiting for these explanations, Géraldine Maillet then came to the defense of the trainer, which outraged the viewers: “Maillet does not know how to train an eagle. So for her, hitting it is normal. She is crazy like this type and Hanouna. Fortunately Raymond is there to restore the truth”, “Géraldine you believe that we raise eagles with fists yes ba inform you these better that will avoid giving reason when a person is wrong for the blows”, ” Very disappointed really VERY VERY disappointed with you Géraldine Maillet” can we read.

Conversely, Raymond literally went off the rails, which earned him the applause of the public: “I’m dreaming! Fortunately Raymond is here! You have to be a VIP to be treated well here! Scandalous how you defend a guy who smashes these beasts!”, “Thank you Raymond, and thank you Delphine”, “Agree with Raymond thank you”, “Bravo Raymond well said”.


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