Review of 2022 Reviewed and corrected | Alluring Chinese buffet

There’s something for everyone at the traditional end-of-year review of the Rideau Vert, which strings sketches (and costume changes!) at lightning speed. A very varied menu, tasteful overall, with some remarkable dishes, safe bets and dumplings (a little heavy).

These include the war in Ukraine, the convoy of truckers, Hockey Canada, the visit of Pope Francis, Spotify, the accession to the throne of Prince Charles, the labor shortage, the election of the CAQ and a host of public figures (parodied). Almost nothing on COVID-19 and the health system… Has it been talked about too much in the “real” news?

In short, the formula is essentially the same year after year, we rake wide to address as many subjects as possible, even if we often only touch on them.

One of the big questions we asked ourselves was how the team was going to adapt to the departure of Véronique Claveau, an outstanding imitator (of Celine Dion, among others) and pillar of Reviewed and corrected. Well, we have to admit that the “acquisition” of Pierre Brassard, Marie-Ève ​​Sansfaçon and Monika Pilon fills this void.


Pierre Brassard as an anti-sanitary measures protester.

Pierre Brassard is very present in this review, and succeeds hands down his passage to the stage. We note in particular his interpretations of François Legault, of an anti-sanitary measures demonstrator in Ottawa (well installed in a jacuzzi with his girlfriend), of Pope Francis – who returns several times on stage to apologize – of Paul Arcand or even of a truly intense Norman d’Amour (in STAT).

Outraged STAT – where the interpreters of the daily wonder if they are credible – several TV shows are parodied. Among them, Live from the universe, Revolution, The Chiefs ! or The week of the 4 Julies.

This was the other big question we asked ourselves: the year is not over yet and the news continues on its merry way. Will the incredible story of the escape of the cows from Saint-Sévère find a place in Reviewed and corrected, presented for more than a week? Well yes. A very small sentence has been added (we were hoping for more!)

A word about Marc St-Martin. Year after year, this actor is the dregs of Reviewed and corrected. He slips into the skin of his characters like no one else. Special mention for his interpretations of Volodymyr Zelensky (in Zoom), Jean-Marc Généreux, Julie Snyder, Mike Ward and Micheline Lanctôt. His parody of the woman who praises the merits of François Legault in a pro-CAQ ad is also memorable.

His slam – in his own name and without disguise – in tribute to Guy Lafleur was undoubtedly the most moving moment of the evening. In this chapter, we would have hoped for a little mention of the disappearance of singer Karim Ouellet…

Incredible singing numbers

Other flowers: the singing numbers of Marie-Ève ​​Sansfaçon, who in turn played Lara Fabian (in a song dedicated to Éric Duhaime) and Ginette Reno (in a piece addressed to Paul St-Pierre Plamondon), were masterful, both in his gestures and his vocal interpretation.


Marie-Ève ​​Sansfaçon here embodies Lara Fabian, who sings a song dedicated to Éric Duhaime.

Add to that the video of Celine Dion – interpreted by Monika Pilon – who is sorry not to be able to be on stage, and you have there three numbers that are almost worth the trip alone.

The drooling tone of the video on the Horne Foundry – which emits disturbing quantities of arsenic into the atmosphere – was perfect, no need to add a layer with a song by Richard Desjardins (still well interpreted by Benoît Paquette , who is also illustrated in his brief but effective imitation of Guy A. Lepage and Justin Trudeau).

Other dumplings. The Quebec couple who welcome Ukrainian refugees by teaching them folk songs like Coming back from Rigaud… Let’s move on. The numbers of Lisa Leblanc or Fabien Cloutier were not essential either. The one on Guylaine Tanguay’s earworms, semi-amusing. Just like the nod to the musical Annenice, but far from being at the heart of the news.

That said, the Chinese buffet formula makes it possible to satisfy everyone a little, and that’s what 2022 Revised and corrected manages to do quite well, with a short interruption offered by Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge (Marc St-Martin), who did not have much to say in the end.

2022 Revised and corrected

Directed by Natalie Lecompte
With Pierre Brassard, Benoît Paquette, Monika Pilon, Marie-Ève ​​Sansfaçon and Marc St-Martin

At the Green Curtain Theateruntil January 7, 2023


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