W9 makes a radical decision… The Web in shock!

The descent into hell continues for Illan Castronovo. Recently interviewed by our colleagues from Puremédias, Jérome Fouqueray, General Manager 6ter, spoke about the famous reality TV candidate who would be permanently banned from W9 due to sexual assault cases. ” These cases do not directly concern the programs we broadcast. But it is obvious and very clear that a participant involved in these serious and serious miscellaneous events can no longer claim to come to one of our programs. “, in particular entrusted the businessman.

A divisive decision. For good reason… Milla Jasmine’s best friend has not been found guilty of the charges against him. From the start, the latter has denied everything. ” I’ll tell you something. I think if I had done serious things, right now I wouldn’t be eating tuna. We arrest people for less than that “, he launched last December. ” Me at the moment, I tell you. I have no authority who summoned me for anything. Nothing. And it’s been eight months now […] “, he assured.

” Sentenced to death “

Unfortunately, fate seems to be bent on the man who made his television debut in the first season of “10 perfect couples”. At the end, the young man would have even tried to end his life. On October 28, he shared a very disturbing message on social networks. ” I tried to hold on and pick myself up for my loved ones. But when I see that a year later, they still won’t let me go… In reality, no one can realize what it’s like to be wrongly accused of horrible things, when they have nothing do. […] The media court sentenced me to death “. It remains to be seen whether Illan will react to Jérome Fouqueray’s decision.


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