The ideal Sunday… by Isabelle Racicot

Every two weeks, a personality presents us with his ideas for ending the weekend in style.

If there was only one word to sum up Isabelle Racicot’s Sunday, it would be: football! This day is devoted to American football, from morning to evening, for Isabelle, her husband and their two boys aged 16 and 19.

And to add a little spice to the day, each member of the family supports a different team. So depending on the results of the matches, the mood can change during the day! “From 10 a.m. until 11 p.m., there is a match that is on one, two or three different televisions in the house. We really are a football family! exclaims Isabelle Racicot. Sunday is also an opportunity to rest, do a bit of sport and prepare delicious stews.

In mother-son sports mode

Every Sunday morning, Isabelle goes to train with her son Justin. A mother-son meeting that she greatly appreciates. “Justin is my youngest, and it’s important to us to get together to go play sports at the Hamfit training center in Brossard. Jonathan Hamel is the owner and trainer, he knows all the first names of those who train, it’s so nice. I’ve always hated going to the gym, but for the first time in my life, I love it and go three or four times a week. On the program: bodybuilding and cardio, but it’s always very varied, we never do the same thing, and all that in fun and good humor! Then we go home, we take our showers, we have lunch and it’s football madness! »

Greater Europe, a Boucherville institution

After sport, she sometimes goes shopping at La Grande Europe, a delicatessen which is an institution in Boucherville, run by Domenico Muoio for 25 years. “I’m going to buy cheeses, a burrata which is fabulous, Italian charcuterie, there’s the best ham! I’m going to come home with all these good products and I’m the happiest! »

Stews and American Football

It’s the festival of American football. The various televisions in the house will be turned on. But at the end of the day, Isabelle takes the opportunity to cook. “In the fall, in November, I make all kinds of soups and casseroles that I prepare for the week and I will make one or two more dishes. I have two guys who eat well, there has to be food in the house all the time! In the evening, we sit in the kitchen and we go eat, all watching a football match! This is our ritual! Before COVID-19, there were always people on Sundays coming in and out of the house and watching a bit of the game, we lost that habit, but it’s slowly picking up. This ritual will last until the Super Bowl! It’s sacred and we have to fun ! »

Pleasure between neighbors

When there is no football, Isabelle likes to meet up with her neighbours. “I have an extraordinary neighborhood, the children have grown up together, it’s like a second family, so in the afternoon, we cook and eat together! We are all food maniacs, we develop menus, we test new recipes that come from websites or cookbooks that we exchange, whether it’s Lesley Chesterman, Three times a day, Louis-François Marcotte or Ottolenghi, we really like that! Our children are now older, they are between 16 and 20 years old, but they never miss a dinner with neighbors. We’ll meet in one of our houses. In summer, it will be swimming pool and BBQ, we appreciate these precious moments. It’s also made for that, on Sundays. »

Small luxury and good addresses

On Sundays, she does things that make her feel good, relax, cook, prepare for the coming week, do her laundry. She can also improvise a dinner at the restaurant when certain football matches are less exciting! She frequents the Unico pizzeria in Boucherville, or the Portuguese bistro Cervejaria. “If I have dinner with friends, I can’t resist and I stop at the Kiffé boutique for a small gift for my hosts, there are so many beautiful things. And his little Sunday luxury? “It would be to make me a little supper with my close friends that I don’t see often enough, after all! “, she says.

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