“I am resurfacing today because I have a great story to tell”

Audience: You went through a tough ordeal after your participation in Star Ac’: la rue. Have you really been homeless and how did you manage to get out of it?

Harlem: To be more precise, I have always been a “street child”. My story with the street is not new. Those who know me well before Star Ac, know that I was artistically born in the street, whether with my old group “Harcèlement Textuel” (we were called rappers of the metro at the time) or my childhood friends. , who will confirm it to you. A lot of people don’t know it, but I have a fairly tumultuous past and a difficult adolescence. I went through very difficult times, from a very young age because my late and tender mother herself encountered great difficulties at that time. Not having had a dad at home, I very quickly became the one who assisted my mother and who took the place of the father whom we had not had. I had to go very early to work in the markets in the morning (Place du marché in Cergy, editor’s note) at the age of 11 to earn some money, but I very quickly got derailed with small illegal businesses. . Be careful, I’m not complaining, I’m perfectly aware that there’s always something worse than you, and it’s this relativism that allowed me to get out of it. Music then saved my life because it occupied most of my time and channeled me. I often tend to say that I am an “expert in emotional lift and trough” because I have experienced as many exceptional things in my life as complicated events. It is clear that I always come back, because today, I can say it quite proudly, I have clearly rebounded. Indeed, I went from the stage of person in difficulty, to that of multi-owner and entrepreneur. Concretely, I now own a large number of homes (he buys small apartment buildings in the provinces to restore them and then put them up for rent afterwards, editor’s note). It’s a lot of work and it didn’t happen overnight (it took me almost 7 years) but I could only live off my rent if I wanted to today. However, I am far too curious by nature and have other aspirations than sipping cocktails at the beach and doing nothing. My goal is to use this money intelligently, for constructive purposes for me and those around me. The most beautiful reward when I get up in the morning is to be able to feel useful thanks to my actions. So I decided to get moving to help others.

Today, you have made this sad experience a real life lesson and even your new job. Can you tell us more ?

H: Yes, you have to know how to learn from the past. As said before, today I am both a real estate investor and an entrepreneur. With my 2 other associates Luc and Matthieu, we created goodliz, an innovative and useful startup, which is on its way to revolutionizing the rental market. We have been approached by very large players in the real estate market with proposals for collaboration, takeover or entry into the capital and our initiative is also supported by Olivier Klein, Minister Delegate in charge of the city and housing. We have created a free document, the RIL (Rental Identity Statement) which makes it possible to solve two very important problems:

1. Allow tenants to prove that they have never had outstanding payments or committed damage when they are looking for accommodation
2. Reassure landlords and real estate agencies about the profile of the tenant BEFORE he enters the accommodation

Another key point of this document, and not the least: The RIL was designed for fair and equitable access to housing and includes a social dimension. It makes it possible to avoid any discrimination during the selection of the tenant. Last name, first name, skin color, sex, religion, disability or particular signs, are information voluntarily left out and do not appear on the document. This also makes it possible to avoid any phenomenon of “stalking” on the part of the owner or the real estate agency (investigations on Google or on social networks before selection). Goodliz, our company also offers the possibility to owners who wish to use a brilliant online rental management tool, allowing for example to make their leases, rent receipts, or inventory on computer, smartphone or tablet with electronic signature and integration of photos.

What do you think of this season of Star Academy?

H: To be completely honest, I’m overworked and unfortunately haven’t had time to watch this season. I just heard that the level was very good and that the students did what they wanted unlike other years (laughs).

Would you recommend to the younger generation to participate? And if you have one regret related to your participation, what is it?

H: Yes, I think it can be a great opportunity if you already have a plan in mind, a small team and some effective pieces aside. I have no regrets about my participation. My time on this show was quite decried at the time in the rap world. I had a good little notoriety among purists in this music, and I already had a career in a record company before Star Ac. Looking back, I realize that I was right. Rap today has become mainstream. I was just a little ahead of my time (laughs).

Have you drawn a line definitively on the music?

H: No no. As a rapper behind a mic, most likely. As a producer and art director, I think I’ll be back. I have a real appetite for composition, melodies and writing so a return in another form yes, why not?

Are you still in contact with former Academicians?

H: Yes, I saw Lennie again a few days ago by chance, and it was very moving to meet again almost 20 years later. She has not changed. I also reconnected with some comrades from my season recently like Hoda or Sofiane. Anyway I never spat in the soup and I keep this experience in mind, like a nice memory of summer camp. I have long declined invitations to TV or proposals to participate in other reality TV programs thereafter because my main objective was never to expose myself.

I am resurfacing today because I have a great story to tell and a message to send to people. If I can, at my small level, inspire some people and give them hope, by showing them that anything is possible, that’s the only signal I’d like to send them. Believe in yourself, and once you achieve your goals, consider redistributing… That’s what I’m trying to do with the RIL by helping tenants and landlords for free today.

See also: Video exclusive: Karima Charni: “I’m going to fight Valentine’s Day by watching horror movies without Valentine!”

Etienne-Hadrien Feyrandrier

source site-8
