Health: the French are increasingly tired



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The cold which sets in, an epidemic which returns and uncertainties which accumulate produce a particular cocktail: fatigue among many French people.

It is an evil that affects 58% French people, for whom fatigue has been present for six years or more. This evil is reflected in several ways: first a non-restorative sleep. 70% of French people today say they have sleep problems against 49% in 2017. Another factor is a low mood and a lack of motivation.

16% of French people suffer from depression, six points more than four years ago. 26% of the French express an anxious state. The first cause of fatigue is illness for 1 in 4 people. Then, privacy concerns are invoked by 3 out of 4 employees. Finally, physical overwork and then intellectual overwork are factors of fatigue. With the Covid-19, a new syndrome has appeared: pandemic fatigue caused by fear of illness, the lack of plans for the future and the lack of visibility on how to end the crisis.

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