Sexual assault in a CHSLD in Trois-Rivières | 34-year-old man arrested

(Trois-Rivières) A ​​34-year-old man was arrested and is scheduled to appear Thursday by videoconference to face a charge of sexual assault that was allegedly committed in a long-term care center (CHSLD) in Trois-Rivières. Rivers.

This was indicated by investigators from the Trois-Rivières Police Department (DPTR) when they confirmed the arrest of the individual at his home on Wednesday morning.

The arrest follows a complaint made to the police Tuesday evening by an employee of the CHSLD Cooke, according to the Trois-Rivières police.

Trois-Rivières police investigators went to the Cooke Accommodation Center “to validate and corroborate certain information related to the event”.

A forensic identification technician was also called to the scene to search for evidence.

The suspect, who was questioned by the police, remains detained until his appearance.

The Trois-Rivières police remind you that it is possible to transmit information confidentially to the authorities through the STOP AU CRIME program by calling 819-691-2929, option # 7 or on the website.

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