Explosion, accident, fall, crash… These film shoots that turned into disaster!

A terrible tragedy occurred on Thursday, October 21. While filming the xestern Rust in full swing, Alec Baldwin accidentally killed Halyna Hutchins, the director of photography. The incident occurred while the actor thought that the weapon was loaded with white… A terrible accident which is unfortunately not an isolated phenomenon in the medium of the cinema… The proof with these few incidents occurred on the sets of films and series across the Atlantic and also in France …

In 1999, a person lost his life on the set of Taxi 2. While the famous car in the film was traveling at 120 instead of 100 km / h, the driver was unable to brake in time and mow down two people: the cameraman Alain Dutartre, who died shortly after, and the props designer Jean-Michel Bar, who suffered serious injuries to his legs …

A year before this tragedy, in France, the actor Roy Kinnear also lost his life on the set of the film The Return of the Musketeers. The actor had a very brutal fall from his horse. Taken to hospital due to a fractured pelvis, the man finally died 24 hours later …

Unfortunately, American films have also had their share of drama … On the set of The Twilight Zone, the 4th Dimension in 1982 there was also a fatal accident. While actor Vic Morrow and two young actors aged 6 and 7 were in a helicopter, the aircraft crashed suddenly after the pilot lost control due to lack of visibility …

More than a decade later, the filming of the film The Crow Also turned into drama when Bruce Lee’s son, Brandon Lee passed away. The man was killed by a bullet in the stomach during a scene … The weapon should obviously have been loaded blank … A fatal error.

In 2004, the film Troy has also had its share of tragic accidents. While filming a war scene, an extra suffered a serious ankle injury before dying a few days later. The film’s star actor Brad Pitt also suffered an ankle injury while playing his own death scene where Paris (played by Orlando Bloom) shoots an arrow at him.

Actors are not the only ones to be subjected to danger during the shooting of films or series… Very often, it is also the stuntmen who take the most risks! The proof, on the set of the 8th season of The Walking Dead the stuntman John Bernecker made a fatal fall of 8 meters… Ditto on the set of the film Expandables 2. Stuntman Ken Lui died in 2011 after a vehicle explosion scene. Sylvester Stallone’s understudy was injured during this incident.

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