Confidentiality and use of personal data: what Quebecers think and do about it

Some 1,012 consumers, including 230 Quebecers, responded to Capterra’s Consumer Privacy survey, sponsored by GetApp. Divided into two segments, the first aimed to know the expectations of consumers regarding the confidentiality of their data, while the second surveyed the latter’s behavior in terms of data protection.

Confidentiality and use of personal data: what Quebecers think and do about it

On the confidentiality of personal data

Among Quebec consumers surveyed, “33% have seen their concern about data privacy increase since 2021. The remaining two-thirds say their concern has not changed in a year. Opinions diverge on who is responsible for digital privacy protection: 40% of consumers believe that it is up to companies and 34% to the federal government. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of Quebecers surveyed do not know if Canada has a general data protection law.

Not so off-putting to targeted ads

80% of respondents said they assess a company’s data privacy practices before doing business with them. They are 70% to inquire about the reputation of the company before shopping online, and 22% do it systematically. The purpose of the use of personal data plays an important role: 64% of Quebecers feel happy to share it if it allows them to obtain better products or services, and 66% when it results in more personalized products. The study indicates that 68% of respondents prefer to be exposed to more online advertisements than to share their personal information”, according to the conclusions of the press release.

Confidentiality and use of personal data: what Quebecers think and do about it

On data protection behaviors

Other results, respondents admit to deleting cookies “often” (39%) or “sometimes” (46%) (Cookies) from their browser. If they are 43% generally accept all the options of the authorization forms of the witnesses during their online activity. In addition, 40% of respondents refuse some and 10% refuse them all. They are 7% to close the window by clicking on the cross.

Online browsing in private mode is used by 15% of Quebecers “often” and 26% “sometimes”. However, 14% of respondents are unaware of the existence of the incognito mode. For online shopping, 42% of consumers prefer to create their account using a username and password. 40% do so as a guest user, and 18% use one of their existing social media profiles.

The sample of participants is representative of demographic and gender groups within the Canadian population. The selection criteria were as follows:

  • Resides in Canada
  • Over 18
  • Make online purchases at least once a month

Other graphical survey data

Confidentiality and use of personal data: what Quebecers think and do about it

Confidentiality and use of personal data: what Quebecers think and do about it

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