Leg cramps


What is it about ?

Leg cramps are prolonged, painful contractions of the muscles in the leg. They most often affect the calf muscles, and sometimes also those of the foot or thigh. Cramps often occur at night and upon waking up.

The following factors can cause cramps:

  • Lack of sodium (component of salt);
  • Lack of oxygen in the muscles (for example, with intense exertion);
  • Sudden movement after a long period of rest;
  • Dehydration;
  • Diuretics;
  • Medicines that lower cholesterol (statins);
  • Fluid retention in the legs (edema) ;
  • Pregnancy ;
  • Disorders of the nerves of the leg.

But most of the time, no triggering factor is identified.

Where do we meet them?

Muscle cramps in the legs affect people of all ages, but especially the elderly. Women would suffer from it more often, especially during pregnancy.

How to recognize them?

Leg cramps appear suddenly. The muscle contracts, it is hard and painful. During the cramp, you cannot use the muscle. Leg cramps usually go away on their own.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will examine your legs: skin, blood circulation, tenderness, presence of fluid or varicose veins, and muscle condition. He will take a blood sample to measure, among other things, salts, blood sugar (blood sugar) and thyroid function.

What can you do ?

You can relax the contracted muscle by stretching it.

  • Put your weight on the affected leg and bend the knee to stretch your calf;
  • If you are in bed, you can pull your toes towards you.

You can also (do) massage your muscle.

You can prevent muscle cramps in your legs by drinking enough to be properly hydrated.

It is advisable to reduce the consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

In case of intense efforts and very high temperatures, it is also advisable to add salt and sugar to the water.

If you have painful cramps very often or if they interfere with your sleep, you should see your doctor.

What can your doctor do?

If he finds a cause for your cramps, the doctor will treat that cause.

Medicines for muscle cramps often have side effects and are not very effective.

The effect of magnesium supplements has often been studied, but the results are contradictory. To date, nothing proves their effectiveness. Preferably discuss this with your doctor.

Want to know more?


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Leg cramps’ (2013), updated on 02/28/2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 05/15/2019 – ebpracticenet

