Republican Jewish Coalition | Donald Trump both applauded and criticized at a rally

(Las Vegas) Former President Donald Trump received a standing ovation Saturday in Las Vegas at a Republican Party rally, but several conservative leaders criticized him for recent disappointing results in the midterm elections.

In his first speech since announcing his 2024 White House bid on Tuesday, Trump, 76, praised his tenure and praised his donors and members of the Republican Jewish Coalition, which holds until Sunday its annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The former president refused to take responsibility for the electoral results of the Republicans, and in particular of his foals, at the “midterms” of November 8. He, however, said the Republican Party was “much bigger and more powerful than it was before” he arrived.

He once again questioned Democrat Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential victory on Saturday.

“The election was rigged,” said the billionaire who spoke via video connection, but the public, who had warmly welcomed him, did not react to these remarks.

He was added at the last minute to the list of speakers for the annual meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition.

His participation raised expectations, because several of his detractors who had preceded him had invited to turn the page and bet on “strong leadership”.

“I have a great policy for the Republican Party: let’s stop supporting crazy ineligible candidates in our primaries,” said New Hampshire (northeast) Governor Chris Sununu, without naming Trump.

Strong leaders, not celebrities

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was more blunt in his speech and insisted on holding Donald Trump accountable for the outcome of the midterm elections.

“Donald Trump chose candidates with one criterion, only one. It was not about their eligibility, experience, wisdom or charisma. […] But whether or not they believed the 2020 presidential election was stolen. If you believe in that, I support you, if not, I reject you, ”said Mr. Christie, who addressed the crowd a few hours before the former president.

“Well, let me tell you, that’s not what this party stands for. This is not what he should represent in the future. We have to stop this now. We are losing because Donald Trump has put himself above everything else,” he warned.

For his part, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan once again criticized Mr. Trump in his speech on Friday.

“Even Trump’s most ardent supporters say they’ve had enough […] “said Mr. Hogan.

In the midterm elections, the Republican Party promised a “red wave” that would eliminate the Democratic Party from both houses of Congress in Washington.

However, Republicans only secured a narrow majority in the House of Representatives, after several candidates backed by Donald Trump were defeated. This was also the case in the Senate – which remained in the hands of the Democrats – and in governorships considered crucial.

Mr. Trump was preceded on Saturday by former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

For his part, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – who served under the Trump administration and to whom observers also lend presidential ambitions – was present at the rally.

“Our party needs strong leaders, now more than ever. Personalities, celebrities, will not do the job,” he said Friday, without naming Donald Trump.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, tipped to also participate in the Republican primary for 2024, was triumphantly re-elected in his state, which led some conservative media to see him as the new leader of the Republican party.

He is due to speak on Saturday at the end of the rally.

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